Onimusha ps4 collecting souls
Onimusha ps4 collecting souls

onimusha ps4 collecting souls onimusha ps4 collecting souls onimusha ps4 collecting souls

The Souls series and Bloodborne are the best modern analog to what the original game was, without tank controls and prerendered backgrounds. The first game had strong horror elements, but as things went on these were reduced and became art and style elements and not gameplay anchors. The fourth game took it in more of an RPG type direction, and while it was a lot of fun if you skipped the awful story, the market didn't find the changes sufficient. Each game sold a little less than the one before it, and eventually its PS1 style gameplay wasn't enough to keep it relevant. While RE went in new directions, Onimusha stayed the course for three installments. It managed this in spite of archaic game design choices that stem from it roots as spin off of Resident Evil. Onimusha was one of the best series of the PS2 generation.

Onimusha ps4 collecting souls