Moss gardens download free
Moss gardens download free

moss gardens download free

Moss is also a great yard alternative if you live in an area that has regular droughts and hosepipe bans. That aside, this does make moss not only an eco-friendly lawn option but also keeps down the water bills. When first planted, light and frequent watering helps the moss to quickly establish, Al Benner advises to ‘keep it moist for the first four to six weeks’, but after that it does not need watering regularly – unless you live in a very arid area or suffer a particularly dry summer. Moss does not need to be watered more than grass, in fact it doesn’t need to be watered very often at all. One thing to note, a moss garden will feel spongy and a little uneven underfoot, unlike a sharply cut grass lawn. The majority of moss can tolerate light foot-traffic but it is worth adding a path or stepping stones in the lawn to help reduce footfall. You can walk on a moss garden and it can even benefit from being walked on when first laid to help it establish. Keep it moist for the next 4-6 weeks while it establishes.If your moss is already living and healthy, you do not need to soak it and can just press into the soil. If your moss is dried, then soak in a bucket for a few minutes then firmly press the sections of moss into the soil.Clear the area of weeds, leaves, and debris down to a bare and relatively firm soil surface.How do I start a moss garden?Īl Benner from MossAcres advises on how to start a moss lawn. ‘If only a smaller proportion of this was converted into moss lawns in lieu of grass, the environmental benefits would be huge’. There are an estimated 40 to 50 million acres of lawn across the United States which in its short clipped form offers very little environmental benefit. ‘Moss obtains its nutrients from the atmosphere.’ says Al Benner, president of MossAcres ‘For this reason it does an amazing job of cleansing the air of pollutants’. Moss is good for a garden – but it also has wider benefits.

Moss gardens download free