World of warship camouflage
World of warship camouflage

world of warship camouflage

While they all share decent fire chance and low detection, Incomparable is less armored but much faster than her cousins. Incomparable is a Tier X British battlecruiser with a different play style than her battleship cousins Thunderer and Conqueror. Her intended speed would be 35 knots, and the engine space needed would make her a massive ship, dwarfing all others in the Royal Navy.

world of warship camouflage

It was estimated Incomparable’s life span to be about 10 years and her design to be quickly surpassed. She was designed to carry 20in guns, surpassing the problematic 18in guns of the Courageous class. The design never had a realistic chance of materializing, and was flawed from the start. The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.įor a graphic summary of ships Tiers VIII thru XI see LittleWhiteMouse's "Actual AA DPS".ĭesigned as a “large light cruiser,” Incomparable was to represent the absolute extreme in battlecruiser design.

World of warship camouflage